Installing a high-powered Solar P.V. System just may be easier & cheaper than you think - Homeowners can claim an SEAI Grant up to €2,400 towards the cost of a high-performing Solar P.V. System.  If you are interested in claiming this Grant it is very IMPORTANT that you please read the SEAI Application Guide here   - Call us on Tel: 087 1891918 to start your own custom Solar Journey!


Your company’s bottom line has the potential to grow through lower power bills.

Going Solar shows a commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility which gives an image boost to any business.

Did you know that you can offset the FULL COST of energy efficient equipment with the Accelerated Capital Allowance? There has never been a better time than NOW to bring your business into the Future. Contact us today for further information.


Under the TAMS II Solar P.V. Support Scheme most farmers can secure a 40% grant on their Solar P.V. investment while young, qualified farmers can secure up to 60%. There has never been a better time than NOW for you to future-proof your Farm! Contact us for further information on Tel: 087 1891918 or apply online at agfood.ie